Summer is the warm, growing, luscious time of the soul. It is filled with joy and expectation. Rapid growth can be observed, like in a garden.
Autumn is that time of the soul for reflection, to enjoy the still warm and colorful days of this time of year and life.
Winter can be a time of cold and alienation. It has days that are dark and dreary, interspersed with bright, white days of beauty. It can be a prolonged period of reflection and growth, though unseen. Or it can be a time of bleakness in which the unseen is unknown and forgotten.
Living in a place with four distinct seasons is a blessing. I don't like winter so maybe that is why I portray it as bleak. I love the bright, hot, windy days of summer. The time when all is growing and you can see it! Oh, I know the analogy breaks down horribly, but I DO sometimes feel like I am in a soul winter.
Praise God that the seasons come and go and so will a winter of the soul.