Welcome! to the Blessed Life Ranch!

Bill and me...thirty two years later!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I don't pretend to know much about blogging, but our daughter has such a wonderful blog that has proven very enjoyable for friends and relatives that I thought I would give it a whirl.

I have lots of thoughts that I sometimes think I ought to write down, but then never really get to it. Maybe this will improve my chances.

I live on the flat, and I mean flat, upper great plains in the fertile Red River Valley of the North. The soil can grow almost anything that can produce in a growing season between the middle of May and the middle of August.

We enjoy living right next door to our only child and her husband and their six children. It is such a blessing to see them work, play and love together and we are immeasurably grateful to God for allowing us this opportunity.

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