I continually seem to run into folks who think they are absolutely right, without question, no doubts allowed, completely sure, and fully convinced about....well, just about everything.
I think God brings these people into my life to grow me up. I used to be (sometimes still am!) one of those people. I had all the answers; I was always right; I sneered at the ignorant; and never thought too deeply about my own hidden prejudices.
As I near 60 I'm finding I know less and less for sure, but what I know for sure, I know for sure. And I am much more likely to deal in grace with another of a varying opinion. I now know what it is like to be treated as an imbecile; it is not pleasant. And the one who so acts is lacking in the most important of abiding characteristics...love. Tinkling brass, sounding cymbal.
There are alot of mysteries in this life, perhaps most of which won't be revealed until we actually arrive in glory, that other dimension of the called out.
I think God intended for us to not know all the answers. I often hear folks say, "God told me." or "I speak for Christ when I say...." Now you can do that as long as what you say comes right from the Scriptures, but it is arrogant and maybe even dangerous to ascribe to Christ what hasn't been made utterly clear in His Word.
I think I might be getting smarter as I get older because I am learning how dumb I am!
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