Welcome! to the Blessed Life Ranch!

Bill and me...thirty two years later!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The birds are returning....

Monday morning I saw a welcome sight: a lone robin perched on a bare branch in the Heritage Park behind our house. Not only that but the dark-eyed juncos and mourning doves have also arrived, braving the still-cold Red River Valley of the North. The geese are flying north and I even had a fly in the house recently.

This morning, just after sunrise, five of our 12 cats were out playing on the Slough of Despond just west of the "little house". They actually appeared to be purposely sliding on the ice and were comical in their actions.

The raptors are also returning. I have seen red-tailed hawks and a northern harrier. I hope they are successfully hunting mice.

Spring is coming!

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