Welcome! to the Blessed Life Ranch!

Bill and me...thirty two years later!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thinking about spring

About two weeks ago we had another snow storm. I just finished listening to the evening news and weather and the weather gal said there is a chance of snow in the forecast.

Here's what I say.....BRING ON THE GLOBAL WARMING!

Which brings me to that subject. I'm giving my grandson a little help with his speech to persuade and he has chosen to do it on global warming. I've read quite a bit about the subject now and have a niggeling suspicion that it is nothing but flim-flam, boondoggle, phoney-baloney and the-sky-is-falling.

Check out junkscience.com or read through the books Facts not Fear or The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming.

Any way, what was I saying? O, yah, I'm looking for Spring in spite of the cold weather and I'm still singing and laughing and dancing, albeit with a hooded sweatshirt and gloves!

1 comment:

Michelle R said...


I tend to agree with you about global warming. This last month in Minnesota I kept saying, "Global warming my foot!".

Would you please add an RSS feed to your blog so I can subscribe? Your stories and words of encouragement are great!

Thanks and God Bless you,