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Bill and me...thirty two years later!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tips for Practical Christian Living

I had it in mind to go through the entire Newer Testament and write down all the imperatives regarding the Christian walk. I still plan to do that, but I found so many in Matthew alone that the following list is offered. Some have said that there really isn't any list of pratical tips one could use to have a successful Christian life, but I think if one (primarily, ME!) would exercise even one tenth of what we know to be pleasing to our dear Lord Jesus we would exhibit lives worthy of emulation. The Scriptures are full of imperatives and they are not suggestions.

Here's the list with reference and my paraphrase:
Matt. 4:10-Serve and worship God ONLY!
Matt. 4:17-Repent.
Matt. 5:16-Let your light shine...others will witness your good works and give glory to God.
Matt. 5:42-Give generously and do not refuse a borrower.
Matt. 5:44-Love your enemies; pray for your persecutors.
Matt. 5:48-Be perfect.
Matt. 6:3-Give secretly.
Matt. 6:6-Pray secretly.
Matt. 6:7-Long-winded prayers are not heard by God.
Matt. 6:17-Look as though you are NOT fasting when you fast.
Matt. 6:19-Earthly treasures are a waste.
Matt. 6:20-Heavenly treasures are worth obtaining.
Matt. 6:25-Don't worry about your physical life.
Matt. 6:33-Seek God's kingdom and righteousness.
Matt. 6:34-Don't worry about tomorrow.
Matt. 7:1-Do not judge.
Matt. 7:7-Ask, seek and knock...it works!
Matt. 7:12-Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Matt. 8:22-Follow Jesus.
Matt. 9:38-Pray earnestly for soul winners and missionaries.
Matt. 10:28-Do not fear those who can harm to your body; fear what can destroy soul & body.
Matt. 11:28-Come to Jesus and He will give you rest.
Matt. 11:29-Take the yoke Jesus gives you; it will give you rest.
Matt. 15:10-Hear, understand: stuff coming out of your mouth defiles, NOT what goes in.
Matt. 16:24-Deny self, take up your cross and follow Jesus.
Matt. 18:3-Become like children.
Matt. 19:14-Keep the commandments.
Matt. 22:21-Give to the government what is due; give to God what is His.
Matt. 22:37-Love God with absolutely EVERYTHING that is in you...then love your neighbor!
Matt. 25:13-Keep a watch.
Matt. 28:19-As you go about your business make disciples, baptize and teach.

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