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Bill and me...thirty two years later!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Kids -- Your Kids!

A friend of mine once told me that "God speaks to me about my children; He doesn't speak to me about yours!" I have never forgotten it and have often been reminded of it when I see others trying to make rules for other parents.

Having said this (which I firmly believe!) I must also state that there probably are many things that one can see, think, believe, feel regarding another family's childrearing practices and not be sinning.

For example: My son-in-law and daughter have been wonderful in training their six children. I see sad examples in the church of behavior (especially during the worship service) that is shameful. I sit there, a bit proud and nose-in-the-airish, and think "Thank goodness, Ray and Aimee trained their children better than that." But I have often been chastised by the Holy Spirit for such thinking.

True, some of this behavior is due to a differing view on child rearing. Some is due to a complete lack of regard for others; some is due to exhaustion.

I wonder though do we have the right to make excuses for our children's poor behavior? I know that a two year old can sit quietly in church, I have seen it in my six grandchildren. I know that a child once out of diapers can go 'potty' before church and need not go again until the service is over, I have seen it in my six grandchildren. I know a child does not need a snack during church, I have seen it in my six grandchildren. I know a child doesn't need to bring the toy box to church in order to be amused during the worship service, I have seen it in my six grandchildren.

But I know this much: it is a tricky, even forboding, thing to make any attempt to correct anyone else's child . . . even if the kid is running loose during the church service. So we usually just leave well enough alone.

Maybe what we need to do is pray more for each family with little ones; come alongside the exhausted and overwhelmed. Maybe we need to have some sessions on parenting.  I'm not sure what all is necessary, but I am pretty sure the whole nose-in-the-air judgementalism is not the way to go!

Help us Lord to be as kind and patient with little ones as you were (and are). Help us to be helpful. Keep us from sinning against one of these little ones. Show us how to help overwhelmed parents. We need help, Lord Jesus.

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