Yah! How about this picture. Taken from my Ozark patio this past summer. I'm sure if I were a really astute homeschooler I would even be able to label this cloud type...oh well.
Anyway I'm thinking: blue sky, lawn chair, sound of splashing from the pool, cry of the Killdeer, slap, slap, slap at those nasty mosquitoes, and the never-ending breezes on my face.
Hi! This is Erin Russell again up here in the actually mild temperature of -5 C. What a difference between here and Alberta where we moved from. Last week our dear friends phoned to say they hit a record cold of -57C BRRRR....and all the media can talk about is global warming-they oughta live in the North for a winter!lol-sorry I haven't been able to read for awhile-my internet was really slow and then completly stopped working-now however I have lovely wireless and it is only seven dollars a month more! So now I can read your blog and enjoy it! And by the way if its ok I am going to join you in your dreaming of summer!
blessings to you and your family
Thanks, Erin. I feel the same way about global warming...if it's true (which I don't think it is!0 then I'd like a little of that warming coming our way. We have had several mornings when the temperature has been 30 degrees below or more.
Looking for Spring!
Would you like me to bring you a fresh lemonade?
Hi Gail; I, too, cannot wait for spring to arrive. I had my first REAL garden last year and am itching to get started. I've had many a bad garden but my hubby tilled a new patch and, boddabing, vegetables sprang forth.
As for your cloud picture, it may be a cirrocumulus. If you don't yet have a cloud book, I would recommend "The Book of Clouds" by John A. Day (Silver Lining Books) put out by Barnes & Noble. It's full of fantastic photos and great weather information. The kids and I have had fun "looking up" clouds and deciphering the weather with this book.
Thanks for your writings; you're an uplifting kind of gal!
God's big blessings to you.
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