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Bill and me...thirty two years later!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Time to Every Purpose

A word of encouragement to home school moms or anyone in need of support.....

I recently watched a movie that caused me to reflect on the goals of our lives, the unheralded duties and responsibilities, the unending tasks and the sometimes misunderstood reactions to life’s happenings.

I’m not much of a movie watcher, but this feature filled my thoughts for some time. And the bottom line, I think, is that , as prudent Solomon stated in Ecclesiastes, “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.”

One of the closing lines of the movie was the recitation of a dream. The character stated he had dreamed of flying--flying so far into the heavens that he reached where the blue met the black. From there he could see that everything that happens in life is for a good reason. Perspective.

So I thought about the stick-to-it-tiveness required by home schooling parents. During those early years of instruction there is generally a great deal of enthusiasm and zest for learning, by both parent and child. As the years progress and the learning becomes more difficult, the hormones more prevalent, and the world’s siren call more strident, it can become a sheer act of courage and discipline to continue. But I believe, continue we must. Perspective.

For the home schooling mom there can be many things that lure her away from her primary tasks. Most are good activities, useful projects, and beneficial causes. But if God has called you to home school you must consider that maybe this is not the season of your life for the extraneous.

Women have been sold a lie, straight from the Pit, that they must be allowed to ‘do their own thing’, ‘look out for number one’, ‘take care of themselves first’, and a host of other selfish eulogizes. That’s not to say that there isn’t a time to draw away and rest. Even our dear Lord Jesus took time away from the crowds. But if you are called to home school your perspective must change considerably.

It is essential that the activities of a home school mom must equal the season of a home school mom’s life. It may mean that hobbies (I’m still waiting to begin quilting; so far not enough time.), fun times with friends, even church responsibilities, may need to be put on hold.

Let’s face it, if you are home schooling plus responsibly managing your home and providing for the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of your husband and children plus maintaining your own personal devotional and Scripture memory time, there really isn’t much time left over. To pursue self interests, something would have to be sacrificed. Again, it would be a matter of ones’ perspective.

I have struggled with this for decades. Jesus said that in order to be His disciple, a follower must every day deny self, take of his cross and follow Him. It is very hard to deny the flesh and the world’s enticements. It is a daily struggle and sometimes these enticements are really good things. But they are not for you; not at this season of your life.

If you are home schooling then you are in a season of your life that doesn’t allow for much else. It is okay. Elisabeth Elliot in Keep a Quiet Heart states:
What I long to help [women] see is that if homemaking and mothering are the tasks God has assigned to them at present, it will be in the glad offering up to Him of those tasks that they will be truly “creative” and find real fulfillment.

Sage advice was offered by Elizabeth Prentiss many years ago:
If you could once make up your mind in the fear of God never to undertake more work of any sort than you can carry on calmly, quietly, without hurry or flurry, and the instant you feel yourself growing nervous and like one out of breath, would stop and take breath, you would find this simple common-sense rule doing for you what no prayers or tears could every accomplish.

I have seen so many wonderful home schooling moms over the past two decades who have simply run themselves ragged trying to do everything. Their perspectives are out of whack.

Paul in his letter to the church at Thessalonica counseled the following:
...aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own business, and to work with your hands...so that you may live properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.

Dear sisters, you cannot do it all and God has not called you to do it all. If you are a wife, mother, homemaker and parent educator, your plate is full. Stop feeling guilty about the things you cannot do and do the things you must with reverence and gratitude. Maybe now is not the time for your favorite hobbies or fun activities. Soon enough these years will pass and you will move into another season that will allow you more flexibility in your life.

Our dear Lord Jesus through His blessed Holy Spirit will give you all that you need to persevere...and to do so with joy. The more we learn to depend upon God, the greater the peace in our lives. The more we understand that “to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven”, the greater will be our satisfaction in doing the unknown, sometimes unappreciated, often tedious, responsibilities. There is great joy to be had in being faithful in all things...even the little things.

Thomas a Kempis prayed, “O Lord, how entirely needful is thy grace for me, to begin any good work, to go on with it, and to accomplish it.”

Rejoice in the here and now. Remember that everything that happens is for God’s glory and our good. Enjoy this season of your life.